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A Prayer Reference

to New Testament Prayers


Earl & Diane Rodd

The purpose of this reference is to lead the reader to practical application in prayers so that prayers will be according to God's will knowing that when we pray according to His will, He hears and when He hears, He answers (I John 5:15). The prayer reference lists many prayers in the New Testament with outlines of the contents of the prayers. Prayers are discussed according to who prayed, according to where they are found, and according to the subject of the prayers.

A Prayer Reference

to New Testament Prayers

Families Honoring Christ

"But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart
and a good conscience and a sincere faith."

Earl & Diane Rodd
6044 Pine Creek St. N.W. North Canton, OH 44720
Phone: (330) 305-9318

Original January 1990
1st edition - July 1994
2nd edition - March 1997
3rd edition - April 2000
4th edition - June 2016
5th edition - April 2020

Permission is granted to copy this article for personal sharing
but not for sale or other commercial purposes.

FHC is an Ohio based ministry providing information, encouragement
and fellowship to Christian families, natural and spiritual.

Unless otherwise noted, All Scripture quotations are from the
New American Standard Bible, Copyright 1988,
The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

See fhc.rodd.us for further information including online versions of this and other booklets. Additional copies of this booklet may be ordered from FHC by writing to the above address. A full listing of other books and booklets on related topics is also available from FHC at fhc.rodd.us.

A Prayer Reference

to New Testament Prayers

This prayer reference is offered to assist the reader in applying the wealth of examples in the New Testament to each person's own prayers. Sometimes, we find ourselves not praying because we cannot figure out how to pray. We sometimes lapse into prayers based upon feelings. We sometimes pray from cultural traditions (family, religion, nation) rather than recognizing the quickening of the Holy Spirit who intercedes within us with the perfect knowledge of Father's will.

The following scriptures are Jesus' example in prayer

  1. Matthew 14:22-23 Prayer alone in the evening.
  2. Matthew 17:14-21 Prayer sometimes needs fasting.
  3. Matthew 19:13-15 Prayer by touching people with hands (His,ours).
  4. Mark 1:35 Prayer alone in early morning.
  5. Mark 6:46-47 Prayer alone during the day.
  6. Luke 3:21-22 Prayer opens the heavens to hear the voice of our Father.
  7. Luke4:42 Prayer in a lonely place.
  8. Luke 5:15-16 Prayer alone to rest after obedience.
  9. Luke 6:12-13 Prayer alone to recognize disciples, a love team.
  10. Luke 9:18-27 Prayer alone prepares for "cross" experiences.
  11. Luke 9:28-36 Prayer enables others to "see" into the heavenly realm.
  12. Luke 11:1-4 Example of prayer gives others desire to pray.
  13. Luke 22:31-32 Prayer for faith of others to not fail.
  14. John 17 Prayer for believers to be sanctified in truth, to be one in Jesus' glory; to be perfected in unity. The world knows Jesus was sent; Father loves us as He loves Jesus.

The following references are taken from the teaching of Jesus (Gospels), from the epistles of James, Paul, Peter, Jude, and John to clarify; to readjust motives or attitudes in prayer; to agree with Father's will.

  1. Matthew 6:5-8 Attitude toward Father God.
    1. Forsake man's approval or notice.
    2. Pray to Father in secret.
    3. Expect Father to reward (answer).
    4. Forsake many words.
    5. Remember Father already knows the need.
  2. Matthew 6:9-15 Pattern for prayer.
    1. Pray to "Our Father."
    2. Know He is Heavenly not earthly.
    3. Know the holiness and power of the Father's name.
    4. Know the name of Jesus is above every other name.
    5. Ask for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
      1. Kingdom of God - Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17-19).
      2. Ask for Father's kingdom to come on earth where you are (Acts 1:8- Jerusalem).
      3. Ask for Father's kingdom to touch others who are around you (Acts 1:8 - Judea, Samaria).
      4. Ask for the ripple effect of a stone thrown into water (Acts 1:8 - remotest parts of the earth).
  3. Ask for Father's perfect will to come on earth as it is in heaven in other people and places. God's word reveals that His will is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).
  4. Do not ask for your own will or another's unless it coincides with Father's will.
  5. Ask for daily food (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, etc.)
  6. Don't be greedy or worried about the future (tomorrow [Matthew 6:34]).
  7. Ask for forgiveness of your own sins, debts, trespasses, iniquities as the Holy Spirit reveals the root of unbelief and its symptoms (John 16:7-11).
  8. Forgive those who have sinned against you. Forgive yourself. Forgive God?
  9. Ask for deliverance from evil (satan and his schemes against you and from others {fruit of the flesh, end times deceptions [false prophets and false teachers, organizational and geographical rulers], demons, strongholds in spirit (heart), soul (mind, will, emotions, attitudes) and in body (anything pertaining to the 5 senses)}.
  10. James 1:1-8 - Remember:
    1. Maintain your joy.
    2. Faith needs endurance, steadfastness and obedience (works); faith works in agreement with and through God's love and patience.
      1. Don't give in to less than the Father's perfect will: (1) good (2) acceptable (3) perfect.
      2. Don't become double-minded &/or doubt the perfect will of God and His ways. God is the blessed and only Sovereign (1Tim 6:11-16).
    3. Endurance leads to maturity and completeness.
    4. Ask and receive wisdom for every situation which needs God's perfect will to be manifested on the earth.
    5. Ask in faith and confidence according to God's Word (Luke 11:1-13). As Holy Spirit reveals Father's will, and Jesus reveals Father's ways, the Triune Godhead may want you to record God's wisdom for yourself as a reminder &/or to share with others in God's perfect timing.
    6. Doubt and doublemindedness occur for the following reasons:
      1. Ignorance of Father's good, acceptable and perfect will (Rom 12:1-3). Reading, studying, and meditating God's word under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is the best way to be confident of His perfect will (Hebrews 4:9-16). The words of Jesus reveal Father's will, and His ways. The epistles give specific details.
      2. Satanic resistance to God's perfect will. Satan attempting to impose his own will.
      3. Human resistance to God's perfect will.
        1. Desire your own will.
        2. Desire the will of another person.
        3. Doubt is wavering about Father's will.
        4. Double-mindedness is not being fully assured of God's will or His ways.
        5. Doubt &/or double-mindedness lead to deception when emotions and human &/or demonic logic convince God's will is not good, acceptable or perfect.
      4. Rejection of Father's perfect will.
        1. Unbelief is a subtle, hidden root that underlies rejection of God's perfect will. Unbelief can be in the conscious or unconscious mind. Holy Spirit brings the unconscious to the conscious mind when He knows it is Father's time for agreement.
        2. Spirit of fear triggers emotion of fear which blocks awareness of Father's perfect love (2Timothy 1:7:1John 4:18).
  11. Allow Holy Spirit to displace every thought, word, feeling, emotion or behavior that is contrary to the Father's perfect will (II Corinthians 10:3-6) with that which is good, acceptable and perfect.
The following scriptures from the Gospels are specific topics or instructions for prayer as taught by the Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. Pray for enemies - Matthew 5:43-48 - love those who persecute you or others.
  2. Attitude toward enemies - Luke 6:27-38 - love, do good, bless, give, forgive, pardon self and others (release = no desire for punishment).
  3. Pray for workers for God's harvest - Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 10:1-2 - compassion.
  4. Faith for prayer - Matthew 21:12-22; Mark 11:20-24 - no doubt, double-mindedness or unbelief in the heart; believe, ask, and speak with faith, love, and confidence to receive God's perspective. Then patiently wait on God's timing to bring the answer to earth.
  5. Persistence in prayer - Luke 11:5-10 - Ask, seek, knock.
  6. Prayer for Holy Spirit - Luke 11:11-13 - Father gives.
  7. Priority of Prayer - Mark 11:15-18 - all nations (all people, every individual).
  8. Right attitude towards others - Mark 11:25-26 - Forgive as you are forgiven. Faith operates through love; through love and patience; through love and forgiveness of all and every.
  9. Right attitude for prayer - Mark 12:38-40; Luke 18:1-14 - humility, unassuming.
  10. Prayers for times of distress - Matthew 24:20-28; Mark 13:18-23 - don't follow false prophets, false Christs, false signs and wonders;
    Luke 21:34-36 -
    1. be on guard against worries of life, be alert;
    2. pray for strength to escape and to stand true.
  11. Battle for prayer - Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:40-46 - spirit is willing, flesh is weak, keep watching; prayer = victory over temptation to go into unbelief; to disagree with God.
  12. Jesus' answer to abortion (legal/illegal) problem - Luke 23:26-31 - weep.

Corporate Prayer of the Early Church

  1. Before day of Pentecost - Acts 1:14 - Results of prayer = 3,000 souls added to the church in response to Peter's sermon.
  2. Devoted to Prayer - Acts 2:42-43 - Results of prayer = Awe, wonders, signs.
  3. Lame man healed - Acts 3:1-4:14.
  4. Acts 4:23-31 -
    1. Actual Prayer
      1. Pray to Creator.
      2. Holy Spirit in prophetic scripture.
      3. Threats of civil authorities, Gentiles and Jews.
      4. Confident expression of God's will; freedom of speech.
      5. Asked God to heal.
      6. Asked for signs and wonders in Jesus' name.
    2. Results of Prayer
      1. Place of prayer shook.
      2. All present were filled with the Holy Spirit.
      3. All received boldness to speak the Word of God; freedom of speech.
      4. The book of Acts is filled with the healings, signs and wonders that occurred.
  5. Devoted to Prayer - Acts 6:4-7
    1. Results of prayer:
      1. Word of God spread.
      2. Number of disciples increased.
      3. Religious became obedient to God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  6. Samaritans received the Holy Spirit - Acts 8:14-17.
  7. Saul is praying Acts 9:11-19 - Result of prayer = Ananias agreed with God, received vision and direction to serve Saul, to assist him, to lay his life down for him. Ananias' love for God overcame his fear of a known persecutor of Christian believers.
  8. Peter prays - Acts 9:40-42 - Result of prayer = Dorcas raised from the dead and many believe.
  9. Cornelius prayed continually - Acts 10:1-48 - Result of prayer = Angelic visitation for guidance; He received message of salvation and Holy Spirit fell upon all whom he had gathered to his home.
  10. Many praying together - Acts 12:1-24 - Result of prayer = Peter released from prison by angels; Herod removed as king.

Paul, Barnabas and others sent out by Holy Spirit on various journeys.

  1. Ministering to the Lord and fasting - Acts 13:2-52 - Result of prayer = Gentiles at Antioch believed and received eternal life.
  2. Acts 14:8-10 Lame man at Lystra healed.
  3. Prayer and fasting - Acts 14:23 - Result of prayer = Elders appointed for newly established churches in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch.
  4. Women praying together - Acts 16:11-18 - Result of prayer = Praying women received gospel in Philippi; slave girl set free from a spirit of divination.
  5. Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns - Acts 16:25-34 - Result of prayer = Paul and Silas released from jail by an earthquake; Philippian jailer and his whole household received salvation.
  6. Acts 20:7-12 - Eutychus raised up alive after his fall from third floor of building where Paul was preaching in Troas.
  7. Acts 20:31-38 - Paul leaving the Ephesians after 3 years of intercession, preaching and teaching.
  8. Acts 21:5 - Church in Tyre prayed openly on the beach to send Paul on his way to non-believers.
  9. Acts 22:17-21 - Paul explained to Jews in Jerusalem how his direction and guidance came through a vision of Jesus while he was praying.
  10. Paul prays for sick man - Acts 28:7-10 - Result of prayer = Malta received gospel and healing; Paul received necessary provisions for his journey.

The following is outlined to give faith, confidence and perseverance during special times with the Lord.

  1. Romans 1:8-25 Book of Romans is result of Paul's prayer born out of his desire to preach to the believers in Rome.
    1. Thank God through Jesus Christ for faith being proclaimed in the whole world.
  2. Romans 8:26-28 Holy Spirit within believers intercedes for the saints according to God's will. Groans too deep for words.
  3. Romans 10:1-21 Paul's prayer for salvation of Jews; result is written explanation of the gospel.
  4. Romans 12:12 Paul's admonition - be devoted to prayer.
  5. Romans 15:5-6,13 Paul's prayer request can be prayed for us today. Pray to the God of hope who gives perseverance and encouragement to the Body of Christ on the earth today:
    1. to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus;
    2. to be of one accord by all agreeing with God;
    3. to have one voice to glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ;
    4. to fill believers with all joy;
    5. to fill believers with all peace;
    6. to fill believers with true belief;
    7. to fill believers with abundant and abounding hope;
    8. to fill believers with the power of the Holy Spirit.
  6. Romans 15:30-33 Paul's prayer request motivated by the love of the Holy Spirit can be prayed for us today. Pray:
    1. for deliverance from those who are disobedient to God;
    2. for acceptable service to believers;
    3. for God to bring believers to meet each other in joy and find refreshing rest.
Prayer concerns found in the letters to the Corinthians
  1. 1 Corinthians 1:4 - Give thanks to God for the grace given believers in Christ Jesus. Thanks for gifts of speech, knowledge and testimony that confirms Christ is in His believers.
  2. 1 Corinthians 7:1-5; 11:1-18 Believe married couples are praying together; Believe men are praying with head uncovered; women are praying with head covered as Holy Spirit directs.
  3. 1 Corinthians 14:1-19 Believe speaking in tongues in private prayer leads to public proclamation. Spirit prays in tongues; mind needs interpretation to understand. Ask for interpretation.
  4. 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 Prayers of believers helped Paul through extremely difficult trials and experiences of persecution in Asia Minor, so believe prayers today help others.
  5. 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 Macedonian church prays for Corinthian church, and Corinthian church supplies money to Macedonian church.
  6. 2Corinthians 13:7-9 Paul's prayer for Corinthian believers and us when we are seeking the approval of man.
    1. Do no wrong.
    2. Do what is right in God's eyes; agree with God.
    3. Be complete.
    4. Be put in perfect order.
    5. Rejoice.
    6. Be like-minded (agree with God).
    7. Live in peace.
    8. Experience God's love and peace.
    9. Greet with a holy kiss.
    10. Receive and experience the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    11. Receive the love of God our Father.
    12. Receive the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Paul's prayers found in the letter to the Ephesians.
Pray Ephesians 1:15-19 for the Body of Christ on the earth today.
  1. Pray believers will give unceasing thanks to God.
  2. Ask for all believers to obey the Spirit of wisdom.
  3. Ask for a spirit of revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ to be released within all believers.
  4. Ask for the eyes of our heart (spirit) to be enlightened so that:
    1. we know the hope of Christ's call on our lives.
    2. we experience and know the riches of Christ's glorious inheritance within us who believe.
    3. we know how great Christ's power is toward us.
    4. we stay in belief and faith.
Pray Ephesians 3:14-21 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Ask that believers humbly bow before our Father God, as members of His family.
  2. Ask Father God for the power of the Holy Spirit to give strength in the inner man so that Christ and His riches have a permanent place within believers because we are rooted and grounded in faith and love.
  3. Ask Father God for the ability to comprehend with other saints the width, length, height, and depth of God's love flowing within us.
  4. Ask Father God to give us comprehension beyond mental knowledge of the full measure of Christ's love.
  5. Ask Father God that all believers be full of the fullness of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
  6. Believe Father God wants to do beyond what the mind of believers can ask or think according to Christ's power working within us!
  7. Thank Father God for glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and forever.
Pray Ephesians 6:18-20 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray for believers to pray and petition with perseverance and alertness at all times in the Holy Spirit for all believers.
  2. Pray for all believers to share the gospel boldly with mouths filled with Father God's words because the heart is filled to overflowing with love for Him and for others.
Paul's prayers found in the letter to the Philippians
Pray Philippians 1:3-6 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Ask that all believers give thanks with joy for all who are sharing the gospel.
  2. Ask that all believers be confident of the good work God is perfecting in all of us.
Pray Philippians 1:9-11 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Ask for love to abound more and more because real knowledge and discernment are present.
  2. Ask for believers to be sincere and blameless when Christ returns because they know which things in life are excellent.
  3. Ask that believers be filled with the fruit of righteousness (rightly related to the Father through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ) which brings praise and glory to God.
Philippians 1:19-21 Prayer for those in prison for testimony of Christ. We may also pray Paul's prayer for ourselves and others who may be bound by invisible chains.
  1. Deliverance
  2. Provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ
  3. No shame in anything
  4. Boldness
  5. Christ exalted in our bodies by life or death.
Pray Colossians 4:2-4 for believers who are in prison. This is Paul's instructions for prayer while he was in prison.
  1. Be devoted to prayer.
  2. Be alert in prayer.
  3. Have an attitude of thanksgiving.
  4. Pray for an open door for those in prison
    1. to speak the word of God clearly;
    2. to possess the true freedom of speech, a confidence and boldness, which comes from the awareness of being in God's presence when speaking.
Pray Hebrews 13:3 for believers who are imprisoned for their faith.
  1. Pray for believers who are ill-treated as desperately as if it were you. Many are tortured (physically, psychologically, spiritually), imprisoned (legally or illegally), starved (physically & spiritually) humiliated, raped and killed (martyrs). Many are subjected to mind-altering substances.

    II Corinthians 12:9
    9. And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
    10. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

Philippians 4:4-7 Prayer and attitude of one who prays
  1. Rejoice! Rejoice!
  2. Have no anxiety or worry about anything.
  3. Make prayer requests known to God with thanksgiving.
  4. Experience peace of God that guards the heart and mind.
Paul's prayers found in the letter to the Colossians
Pray Colossians 1:3-6 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Be like Paul always praying and giving thanks for all believers.
Pray Colossians 1:9-14 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Ask for believers to have unceasing prayer for one another.
  2. Ask that we be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding
  3. Pray that we will be able to walk in a manner worthy of our Lord.
  4. Pray that we please God in all respects (agree with Him).
  5. Ask for believers to bear good fruit in every good work they do.
  6. Pray that we keep increasing in our knowledge of God.
  7. Pray that believers are strengthened with all power according to power of God's glory.
  8. Pray that we will be steadfast and patient.
  9. Pray that believers will joyfully thank the Father:
    1. for qualifying us to share in the saints' inheritance; in light;
    2. for delivering us from the domain of darkness;
    3. for transferring us into Jesus' kingdom;
    4. for redeeming us;
    5. for forgiving our sins:
Epaphras' prayer for the Colossians
Pray Colossians 4:12 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that believers will labor earnestly in prayer for one another.
  2. Ask for believers:
    1. to stand firm;
    2. to stand perfect or complete;
    3. to be fully assured of God's will in our lives on earth;
Paul's prayers for the Thessalonians
Pray 1 Thessalonians 1:2 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that believers will always give thanks for one another.
  2. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal specific names of individuals, of families, streets, neighborhoods, by localities, tribes, by cities, by states, provinces, nations, hemispheres, continents.
Pray 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 for the Body of Christ on earth today
  1. Pray that believers will pray earnestly day and night to see (or find) each other.
  2. Pray that we will be made complete.
  3. Pray that we will increase and abound in love for one another.
  4. Pray that our love for one another is established in our hearts in holiness.
  5. Pray that our love and holiness prepare us for Jesus' return.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, 23 Prayer and attitude of one who prays:
  1. Always rejoicing.
  2. Praying without ceasing.
  3. Giving thanks for everything.
  4. Never quenching the Holy Spirit.
  5. Never despising prophetic words.
  6. Examining everything carefully.
  7. Holding fast to what is good.
  8. Abstaining from every form (appearance) of evil.
  9. Asking for the God of peace to sanctify believers entirely.
  10. Asking for the spirit, soul and body of believers to be kept complete and blameless for Jesus' coming.
  11. Experiencing His faithfulness in His "moment by moment" communication.
  12. Knowing He, not us, reveals and brings His will to pass.
Pray 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Always asking God to make believers worthy of their calling by keeping their whole being in agreement with the Tri-une God in Tru-unity.
  2. Praying that believers fulfill every desire for goodness.
  3. Praying that believers have the power to fulfill the work of faith and love by agreeing with God.
  4. Praying that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in believers through the grace of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray 2.Thessalonians 2:13-14 for the Body of Christ on the earth today.
  1. Thanking God for choosing self and others to be loved by the Lord.
  2. Thanking God for choosing self and others to be sanctified by the Spirit With God's faith in God who is truth.
  3. Thanking God for being called into salvation to gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 for the Body of Christ on the earth today
  1. Asking and believing that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace,
  2. to comfort and strengthen the hearts of all believers in every good work and word.
Pray 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Praying God's word spreads and runs rapidly and is glorified.
  2. Praying that believers are delivered from perverse and evil men who do not yet agree with God (faith).
  3. Praying that the Lord directs the hearts of believers into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.
Pray 2 Thessalonians 3:16-18 for the Body of Christ on the earth today.
  1. Praying that the Lord Himself continually grants peace in the circumstances of every believer.
  2. Praying that each and every believer is aware of the Lord's presence..
  3. Praying that all believers are aware of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ at all times.
Prayer concerns found in Paul's letters to Timothy
Pray 1 Timothy 2:1-10 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Make entreaties, prayers, petitions and thanksgivings for all men.
  2. Pray for these (and others) by name if you can.
  3. Pray for people groups by forgiving all that is not in agreement with Father's will:
    1. that those entrapped by a spirit of error in traditions, presuppositions, ideologies, philosophies, suggestions, words, teachings, etc. that keep the word of God from being expressed with love, freedom, power and compassion be set free. For the Spirit of Truth to displace the spirit of error in religion. For example: Jews, Gentiles: Muslims, Buddists, Hindus, Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, satanists, witches, wicca, druids, evolutionists, New Age environmentalists who worship mother earth, etc); in atheists, agnostics, humanists, progressives, traditionalists, feminists, etc.
    2. that those in bondage to any addiction that quenches the Holy Spirit from free expression receive complete, total, and lasting freedom in spirit, soul, and body.
    3. that those caught in ungodly unhealthy lifestyles of lawlessness and rebellion, engaging in unholy and profane relationships, murdering relatives and others for any reason - abortion, religious fervor, hatred, greed, fear, anger, rage: -, for homosexuals, lesbians, kidnappers, thieves, sex exploiters using prostitution, sex slaves, etc. (1Tim 1:8-11) find freedom in Jesus Christ with the Spirit of Holiness displacing the spirit of harlotry and every unclean spirit.
    4. that fathers, mothers, singles, grandparents, children, housewives, employees, garbage collectors, taxi-drivers, factory workers, media, employers, small business owners, lawyers, doctors, teachers, college students, retirees, widows, widowers, nurses, car mechanics, truck drivers, pilots, stewardesses, carpenters, computer technicians, prisoners, etc. place God's call on their life as their first priority.
  4. Pray for those in authority - elected and not elected; legal and illegal; (president, dictators, kings, queens, prime ministers, caliphs, cabinets, supreme courts, judges, governors, premiers, congress, senate, parliaments, state legislature, local government, mayor, councils, policemen, military, firemen).
  5. Pray that all and every be saved.
  6. Ask that they come to a knowledge of the truth - One God, One Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ; the ransom for all and every.
  7. Ask that they come to a knowledge of the truth by the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit. Wherever there is a spirit error deceiving, ask for freedom from deception by receiving a love of the truth.
  8. Pray for men believers to pray with holy hands, hands lifted up, with no wrath or dissension in our ranks.
  9. Pray for women believers to dress in modest and discreet clothing.
Pray 1 Timothy 4:4-5 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that believers will sanctify their food by prayer and the Word of God no matter where they may be eating or what they may be eating. Pray that they be grateful in knowing that all God has created is good.
Pray 1 Timothy 5:5 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that widows will see their importance to the Body of Christ on the earth and will be inspired, guided, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray day and night. See Luke 2:36-38.
Pray 2 Timothy 1:3-4 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that believers will be motivated, guided, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray night and day, constantly for other believers.
  2. Pray that we will thank God.
  3. Pray that we will serve Him with a clear conscience.
Paul's prayers found in Philemon
Pray Philemon 1:4-7, 22 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Always thank God when mentioning the name of the believer or non-believer to Him.
  2. Pray believers will move in love and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ, toward all believers and toward all non-believers.
  3. Pray for believers' fellowship of faith to be effective by knowing every good thing which Christ has placed within the believers, His holy ones, the saints, His church, for His sake.
  4. Pray for believers to be mobile and to be released to serve others in the Lord, in the Spirit.
Prayer record in Hebrews - JESUS' example of desperate prayer to be able to obey the Father's will.
Pray Hebrews 5:7-10 for the Body of Christ on earth today:
  1. to have loud crying and tears in prayers and supplications for God's will to displace man's will; follow Jesus example.
  2. to loving learn obedience to Jesus, the source of eternal salvation;
Pray Hebrews 13:18-19 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray for believers to conduct ourselves honorably in all things so that we have a good conscience.
Pray Hebrews 13:20-21 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray for the God of Peace, through the blood of the eternal Covenant
    1. to equip believers in every good thing to do the Father's will;
    2. to work in believers that which pleases the Father (agree with Him).
Prayer instruction found in James
Pray James 5:13-20 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that those who are suffering will pray in faith.
  2. Pray that those who are cheerful will sing praises.
  3. Pray that elders in the Body of Christ will
    1. pray in faith;
    2. anoint with oil;
    3. use the name of Jesus with power;
    4. release Christ's forgiveness for sins and see the sick in their midst restored.
  4. Pray that members of the Body of Christ will be willing to humbly confess their sins to one another and to pray for one another so that healing will be evidenced in the Body of Christ.
  5. Pray that believers use prayer according to the Holy Spirit to affect the weather for God's purposes on the earth.
  6. Pray that believers have confidence that their prayers for anyone straying from The Truth (Christ) will be effective so that the Holy Spirit brings that one back to Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ can bring that one back to the Father.
Prayer instruction written by Peter
Pray I Peter 3:1-7 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray for Spirit-led submission of wives to their own husbands.
  2. Pray that this results in obedient Spirit-led husbands who love and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. Pray that wives are totally free from a spirit of fear.
  4. Pray that husbands can recognize the weaknesses of their wives so as to protect them from the snares of the devil.
  5. Pray that husbands know how to live with their own wives in an understanding way that brings peace and joy to their home.
  6. Pray that husbands grant their wives honor as a fellow-heir of the grace of life.
  7. Pray that husbands and wives learn to pray together so that their prayers given by the Holy Spirit in and through them are answered.
Pray I Peter 3:10-12 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. The Lord wants to hear and answer our prayers, but we must:
    1. guard our tongues;
    2. turn away from evil (disagreeing with God);
    3. seek peace with all men;
Pray I Peter 4:7 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray that believers will have sound judgment and a sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.
Prayer instruction written by John
Pray I John 3:18- for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Do not love only with word or tongue.
  2. Love with deed and truth.
  3. Know that we are of truth.
  4. Persuade our heart in God's presence, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  5. God is greater than our heart. Condemning, blaming, shaming is displaced by believing and continually agreeing with God.
  6. Allow God to displace condemnation in our hearts with our confidence in Him and His treasure in us (2Cor 4:5-10).
  7. Be assured by God that we
    1. keep His commandments
    2. do the things that are pleasing in His sight (agree with Him).
  8. Know that we
    1. believe in the name of Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit
    2. love on another as God loves us.
  9. Know that the one who abides in Jesus and Jesus in him or her is one who keeps Father's commandments.
  10. Know and experience the abiding presence of Jesus and Father through a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.
John's prayer for believers
Pray III John 1:2 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Pray for prosperity (success) in the soul (breath) of believers.
  2. Pray for prosperity (success) in all things for believers.
  3. Pray for a prosperous successful journey while on the earth.
  4. Pray for good health in the bodies, souls (minds) and spirits of believers.
Prayer instruction found in Jude
Pray Jude 1:20-23 for the Body of Christ on earth today.
  1. Praying in the Holy Spirit:
    1. builds up the one who is praying;
    2. keeps one in the love of God;
    3. keeps one waiting anxiously for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ
  2. Praying in the Holy Spirit:
    1. is the mercy of Jesus.
      1. If you see doubt in another or experience it yourself, ask for mercy.
      2. If you see someone in the "fire",
        1. cry desperately for salvation;
        2. snatch them out of the fire;
        3. save them.
      3. If you see someone polluted by the flesh (self-centered; self-willed, self-harming),
        1. ask for mercy with fear for yourself and for them;
        2. believe the Spirit of true Holiness in the fear of the Lord is replacing the defilement of flesh and spirit.
Pray Jude 1:24-25. for the Body of Christ on the earth today.
Know, believe and proclaim that God is able and willing:
  1. to keep believers from stumbling (disagreeing with God);
  2. to make believers stand in His glorious presence while on earth:
    1. with no blame;
    2. with great joy;
  3. to reveal Himself as the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord
    1. who did receive before all time, who will receive now in the present and who will receive in the future and forever:
      1. glory
      2. majesty
      3. dominion
      4. authority
Prayer as seen in Heaven
Revelation 5:8; 8:1-5
  1. There is silence in heaven when God dispenses His angels to bring His answers from heaven down to earth in response to the prayers of the Holy Spirit in His believers.
  2. God's answers are sometimes accompanied by natural phenomena on the earth, such as thunder, lightning and earthquakes.

Copyright by Earl & Diane Rodd