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Book Available From FHC
Training For Royalty $5.95
The purpose of this book on the subject of the Biblical Basis of Home
Education is to encourage Christian parents in their God ordained roles with
their children. This book shows us the Biblical basis of home education
rather than being a book containing suggested activities or a report of
experiences of home training families. This book is not a "how to" book
suggesting a detailed structure, schedule or curriculum. Other Christians
have written excellent books covering these areas. In this book, we
encourage each parent to examine what God says and discern His voice
concerning the training of their own children. It is our belief that this
Biblical foundation will lead parents into firm convictions concerning God's
plan for their families. Our hope is that this study will help build strong
families and thus strengthen the church and the whole Body of Christ. Truly
our task is to train royalty for the Kingdom of God.
Home education will have times of difficulty, attacks of discouragement and
even external harassment from government authorities, family members or
others. This book is written to help build in parents a Godly confidence in
their call and ability to educate their own children and a firm foundation
for their decision to educate their own children.
Chapters include
Introduction; God's Promise; Biblical Overview; Biblical Example; What is
Our Purpose; Character Versus Achievement; Education and Learning; The
Perfect Plan; Standing Firm With Opposition; The Bible and "Socialization";
Home School or School in the Home; Stress Burn-Out and the Bible; The School
Versus the Family.
Booklets Available From FHC
Organized into courses
Press here to for information on the Certificate Program
I(A). Educating the Spirit
1. The Male Role
A 30 Day Immersion in his Goodness
of Our Father's Kingdom $1.75
For Whomever desires a 30 Day Experience with God, the following scriptures
carry the GoodNews. We trust that you will receive that which the Father has
gladly placed within you. Take each day of one month to meditate upon what
is indicated for that day. When you get to Day 26, please remember reading
each book is no longer than watching a movie or spending an evening watching
TV. Read it in one sitting and allow the Holy Spirit to show you His perfect
"movie" in your mind.
What it Means for Men to Lead Their Families $1.25
This booklet examines a Biblical approach to the meaning of leadership in
the family. It then discusses practical ways for home schooling fathers to
follow the Biblical model and definition of leadership in their families.
We attempt to break away from cultural definitions of "leadership" which do
not apply to all men and instead find the Biblical definition of leadership
which God provides for all men.
The Primary Textbook - The Bible.
Which Version? Which Age? $1.25
Christian home educating families recognize the Bible as the first and most
important textbook. Since our goal is to lead our children to an
understanding of God's Word as taught by the Holy Spirit, we want to use a
version of the Bible which they can understand and which is faithful to the
Spirit of Truth. This booklet deals with the issues of language, differences
in English translations, and readability with consideration of the growth in
reading level as our children mature.
Whole Family Reading the Whole Bible in a Year $1.25
This booklet presents a Bible reading plan for reading through the Bible in
a year. It differs from many other such plans by reading whole books
through, by combining Old and New Testament reading every day, and by
keeping each day's reading of approximately equal length. This booklet also
describes examples of family Bible reading schedules and methods. It also
discusses the reasons for reading the entire Bible.
A modified version is available for reading in two years. The Old Testament
is read over two years. The New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs are read
each year. $1.50
2. The Female Role
Thirty Day Immersion
Woman - The Beginning $1.50
This booklet is an exposition of woman as Genesis 1 and 2 reveals her. The
purpose of this study is to align a woman to the truth about herself from
God's view rather than her own view of herself, another's view of her, or a
cultural view of herself. We trust that this will be a source of love,
change (repentance) comfort, healing, joy, peace and confidence (power).
Thankfulness $1.50
Because we live in a culture that finds it easier to grumble and complain
rather than to give thanks, our families are in danger of being conformed to
the world rather than being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, our
Lord. This booklet is presented to help all of us set an example for each
other by obedience to the truth of God's word.
To Pray or Not to Pray $1.25
This booklet describes a method of family prayer for home educators.
Ephesians 5:15-20 is one of our family goals. Pursuing such a goal may seem
ominous at first, but it is really just a step by step process of obedience.
The purpose of this booklet is to share with you a step in the process that
the Lord has given our family in the hope that your day will more closely
resemble the peaceful harmony in which God wants us to live, submitting to
God and one another.
A Prayer Reference to New Testament Prayers $1.50
The purpose of this reference is to lead the reader to practical application
in prayers so that prayers will be according to God's will knowing that when
we pray according to His will, He hears and when He hears, He answers (I
John 5:15). The prayer reference lists many prayers in the New Testament
with outlines of the contents of the prayers. Prayers are discussed
according to who prayed, according to where they are found, and according to
the subject of the prayers.
Devotions: examples for Christian Home Educating Families $1.75
The purpose of this booklet is to provide suggestions for home schooling
family daily devotions. Both resources and methods of using them are
provided. A broad range of Christian life and practice is included such as
prayer, missions, and Bible study. (8 1/2 by 11 format).
I(B). Renewing the Mind
Training for Royalty
Knowing God - The Goal of Education $1.00
For many families who educate their children at home the choice of
curriculum may be the devil's advocate. The wrong curriculum can waste
time, effort, and energy; it can be the cause of frustration, continual
conflict, and frayed nerves; it can deceptively lull our families into the
enemy's greatest deception - to have our main priority focused in the wrong
place. Man complicates; God simplifies. The purpose of this essay is to
help families evaluate curriculum and subject areas by one main criteria: Is
it God-centered or man-centered?
Teaching the Fear of the Lord $2.50
The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is a crucial element of
walking with God. This booklet addresses the question of how to teach the
fear of the Lord. The Bible contains a wealth of information about the fear
of the Lord and how to teach it. We study the nature of the family, build an
understanding of the fear of the Lord, and then determine how to establish
the fear of the Lord in our homes. We look at general principles and then
specific Biblical methods of teaching the fear of the Lord.
Training Kings - a Biblical Method of Education $1.25
While we often find the search for curriculum a complicated task, God can
bring crystal clarity to our search. What is presented is a very simple, yet
powerful, concept for training our children to be "kings" in God's Kingdom.
The concept comes from I Corinthians 10:11 which points out that the things
that happened in the Old Testament are an example for our instruction. Our
purpose here is not to establish a law but to learn from the examples God
has given us as New Covenant people who belong to Jesus.
Condemnation and Legalism - A Biblical View $1.75
Families who educate their children at home face specific challenges with
regard to condemnation. They often face the condemnation and accusations of
friends, family and officials, and they often are told that they are narrow
and judgmental (bringing others into condemnation). Finally, home educating
families must be wise in training their children without bringing
condemnation on them and in training children in how to deal with
condemnation and legalism. This study on condemnation is offered for study
and encouragement with regard to both feeling condemned ourselves and
statements from others that we bring condemnation on them.
This Packet has over 20 pages of information for Ohio home educators on the
notification process. It includes the entire text of the Ohio regulations
and step by step comments on how to respond to each specific item in the
notification. Examples of completed notification letters are included. A
blank sample notification form is included.
I(C). Educating the Soul
Biblical Education: What is It? $1.75
Our philosophy of education is very important because it drives our day to
day decisions. What we believe does matter! This is why many Christian
writers seek for Biblical truth in what we believe God says about education
and training children. First we must define Biblical education and its
alternatives to allow us to come to firm, Biblical beliefs. Then we must
consider the pressures which seek to take us away from our first love. One
source of pressure to compromise Biblical authority is the pressure of
"academia" including a drive to introduce the "classics" or to use a
"classical" curriculum. In this booklet, we examine this movement. Next,
we will place the debate between Biblical and classical education in
historical perspective. Finally, we will use a discussion of how a
"classical" curriculum is NOT a Biblical one to clarify the meaning of
Biblical education.
God's Outcome Based Education $1.25
Outcome Based Education represents a serious attempt by behavioral
scientists, government officials, and educators to further anti-Christian
indoctrination of children. One of the challenges of Outcome Based Education
for the Christian is that so many of its aspects sound good. The difficulty
comes with the interpretation and implementation of the outcomes. In this
booklet, we take the 25 outcomes proposed in Ohio and examine Scriptural
applications and interpretations of the 25 outcomes.
God's Perfect Educational Standard $1.00
Many ask, "What is the standard that we should expect in the educational
system of our state - whether it be the public school, the private school or
the home school?" Can we believe that there is one standard, one human
model, one example that could unify all the diversity that is so obvious in
humanity? Is there one person who is qualified to say, "I am the perfect
example of a human being; follow me"? This booklet dares to demonstrate a
radical answer to this question.
HELP Packet $1.75
This Packet has over 20 pages of introductory and reference material
including Biblical foundations, The Bible and socialization, how to get
started in home education, a list of resources, comments on some specific
publishers and programs, and basic information on Ohio law. The section of
resources includes not only academic resources but resources for extended
studies, family spiritual growth, and current events.
Dealing with Anger (Anger - part 1) $1.50
Because home educating parents, especially mothers, are with their children
constantly, the problem of anger cannot be ignored as it often is when
families never spend time together. This booklet provides a Biblical look at
what anger is, what causes it in the home and very practical suggestions for
what to do about it.
Conquering Anger (Anger - Part 2) $1.50
This booklet is the continuation of an earlier booklet entitled, "Dealing
with Anger". We pray this study concerning some other aspects of anger will
be enlightening and encouraging to homeschooling mothers whose children's
behavior may at times tempt them to "be angry and unforgiving."
The Way Out of Anger (Anger - part 3) $1.25
This booklet is the continuation of the series on anger. Home educating
families have a special challenge in dealing with anger because family
members interact so much with other. We can't ignore it as each family
member goes his separate way each day. However, in God's sight, home
educating families have a unqiue opportunity to witness to the power of the
Gospel to deliver us from anger. This booklet is a practical guide to
prayer which we trust will be "The Way Out of Anger" for readers.
I(D). Educating the Body
The Importance of Teaching Phonics Biblically $1.50
Because English is a phonetic language, reading is best taught using
phonics. A number of phonics methods are in use in schools and among home
educators. Before considering which phonics program or method to use, we
must first consider God's purpose for language and communication and the
Biblical method of education. This booklet starts with these basic
considerations and then applies the Biblical method to teaching phonics. The
Biblical method is contrasted with secular humanistic methods.
Biblical Intensive Phonics $3.50
Manual for Biblical Intensive Phonics (with arithmetic) - a guide to using
the Spalding Phonics method. This manual requires the use of Spalding
Bible Word List $1.00
A list of the 1500 most common words in the New American Standard Bible
keyed to sections of the Ayres word list used in Spalding Phonics.
Typing and Phonics Practice -
Free online at
A typing practice program which includes exercises to type the phonograms and
the most common 100, 500, or 1500 words (in the Bible). Also includes
finger exercises to learn typing.
Grieving Over Grammar? $1.50
This booklet contains an expose of modern methods of teaching grammar. These
methods are compared against Biblical methods of education. The reader is
lead to apply Biblical methods to the teaching of English grammar. Modern
methods fail students who are left without the understanding of their native
language which is necessary for clear, concise written and oral
communication or the foundation necessary to learn a foreign language.
Students are left frustrated by their failures with no instruction in how to
improve. These failed methods are widely taught in colleges and
universities (even Christian ones) and therefore heavily influence many
Salutations, Greetings, and Exhortations
for Personal Letters $1.25
This booklet contains lists of Scriptural salutations, greetings and
exhortation for use in personal letters. They are organized by topic for
easy selection as you consider what God would have you say in each letter
you write. Letter writing should be a major component of every language arts
II(A). Teaching by Example
The Male Role
Seek the Lord - Know His Voice $1.50
The purpose of this booklet is to magnify the descriptions of Jesus Christ
as revealed in the Bible. Artistic visual portrayals of Jesus fall short of
the glory of God. Thus this study is our attempt to examine the scriptures
which command us "to seek the face of the Lord" and then to read the actual
descriptions of those who saw the Lord's face.
The Female Role
Seek the Lord - Know His Voice
The True and False Prophetess $1.25
The Bible releases Godly women as prophetesses, both by explicit precept and
by example. However, a women seeking to serve the Lord Jesus in prophecy
also seeks to be a true prophetess. Furthermore, every women of God desires
wisdom to discern true and false prophetesses. This booklet examines
Biblical examples and principles to discover a wealth of Scriptural guidance
on this subject.
Power of the Most High God $1.25
In light of the most recent demonstration of the presence of the Holy Spirit
in our family, I felt it was very important for me to look seriously at the
Greek word "dunamis" which is translated "power" in the NASB. I trust that
the following information will be helpful to you. We believe that the Word
and the Spirit will always agree. May the Holy Spirit, the third person of
the God-head who is on the earth today, guide you into all truth.
Pregnancy - a View from the Word of God $1.00
Our western culture, the medical profession, family traditions, old wives'
tales and modern media all have much to say about a woman's pregnancy. May
the perfect peace of God rule and reign supreme.
II(B). Renewing the Mind
The Biblical Method of Education $1.25
In this booklet, we seek the wisdom of the Word of God to develop "The
Biblical Method of Education". The Biblical method consists of basic
principles which are clearly stated in Scripture. These principles can then
be applied to many subject areas. At the conclusion, in light of the
Biblical Method, we will challenge the reader (and authors!) to consider
what subjects are truly "basics".
Diversity and Absolutes
A Christian Approach to Individual Differences $1.50
Are you aware of differences among children in their learning styles? In
their whole personality? Are you aware of differences with your husband or
wife? How can you know when these differences are caused by sin and need
correction and when the differences are part of the diversity God speaks of
in the "many membered" Body of Christ? This booklet establishes a Christian
approach to individual differences in a practical manner, examining what we
mean by personality and carefully describing the difference between God's
absolute truth and God-made diversity among people. In addition, we briefly
describe areas of individual differences in learning styles, curriculum
approaches, and study habits.
Discipleship of Young Children - Home Training vs. Kindergarten $1.50
Young years are crucial in molding the attitudes of our children. In this
essay we examine the discipling of young children with the objective of
learning how to lead our young children into a living and powerful
relationship with Jesus our Lord. We will examine the history of training
young children and contrast that with Biblical models. We call this our
"$1.00 alternative to expensive pre-school toys and curriculum materials".
Principles of Choosing Christian Curriculum $1.50
Many reviews exist of various curriculum materials available to Christian
families in the marketplace. Rather than review specific curricula, we seek
here to develop Biblical principles so that as families examine what is
available in light of their unique requirements, they can do so using sound
basic principles. Because of the dominance of entertainment in our culture,
we specifically address the place of entertainment in the Christian life and
a Christian curriculum.
Families, Dating, and the Bible $1.50
Our culture has defined a romantic view of love between men and women which
leads to sexual temptation, romantic disappointments and broken hearts. This
paper draws on the wisdom of the Creator to search out a better way for men
and women to enter marriage. The motive is to lead Christian men and women
to a place of trust in God Who will lead them into marriage pure in body,
soul and spirit. This booklet differs from some materials available on
not dating in that it emphasizes hearing from God more than a cultural
Faith for Our Families: Those of Greater Years $1.00
I truly believe that each person on this earth has a specific, personal and
very individual call upon his/her life that will bring the most glory to our
Lord. My prayer for my loved ones and myself is that our lives will bring
the Lord the full glory that He intended for us before the worlds were ever
formed. I meditate upon the Scriptures in this booklet econcerning those I
love who are approaching their later years on this earth. I find the Word of
the Lord to be much more encouraging than the words of men concerning the
II(C). Educating the Soul
Compulsory Education - Its History and Effects $2.50
Compulsory education laws are the bedrock of the modern government education
system. This booklet provides a history of compulsory education so that
readers can understand the roots of many current problems. The booklet
begins with a careful look at the earliest examples of education in our
nation among the Pilgrims and the Puritans and after contrasting those two
groups and their approaches, follows development to the modern era. Only by
knowing these roots can we effectively battle modern problems, and perhaps,
more importantly, avoid repeating the errors of the past.
Temptations to Home Educators $1.00
The world abounds with temptations to yield to pressures to conform to the
world. Our purpose is to expose temptations to the light of God's Word and
thus empower families to be wise and overcome every temptation!
Historically, other Christian movements have faded into obscurity as they
fell for temptations and compromised. Can we be different? YES!Why? Because
we believe that the family is truly part of God's divine order for
Wise in Our Own Eyes $1.25
The Bible contains many exhortations concerning pride and arrogance, often
using the phrase "wise in his/your own eyes." Whenever we experience the
blessings of God by doing things His way, we can be tempted to become "wise
in our own eyes." Home education is proving very successful in the lives of
an increasing number of Christian families, and yet we must constantly be
aware that our success is by God's grace, not our own wisdom and strength.
This booklet examines Biblical teaching on this subject and applies it to
the life of home educating parents and their children.
Anger Free Relationships for Home Educating Parents (Anger - part 4)
This booklet is the continuation of the anger series. Family relationships
(parents to children, between parents, and between children) are meant by
God to be sources of joy, fellowship, and encouragement in the faith.
However, the enemy who comes to "kill, steal, and destroy" wants to use the
lusts of the flesh to make these relationships sources of frustration,
hatred, and discouragement. This booklet describes a personal journey of
discovering Biblical answers to developing family relationships free of
anger. A crucial part of these answers lies in speaking the truth correctly
and consistently.
Christian Unity in the Family for Home Educating Parents (Anger - the
goal) $1.00
This booklet presents the goal of the series of booklets on anger. It can
be either the introduction or conclusion to the series. Unity in a family
can be a difficult Biblical mandate to maintain as one's family gets larger
and/or matures. More numbers always adds complexity, and maturity brings
tension. A family doesn't experience unity just because the family exists
in the natural world. If this were so, every family on earth would
automatically be unified and work as a unit. This booklet presents the
Biblical necessity for family unity and Biblical methods to come to family
God's Priorities or Evil Powers - Who Controls Our Home Education $2.50
Over our years of home education, we have often come back to one of the
first questions we asked ourselves, "What is our purpose?" In this booklet,
we continue that self-examination as we look at priorities which often
become top priorities almost by "accident" and then seek to compare them to
God's priorities in our families. We particularly focus on the priority of
believing God for Christian unity in our families. We want our decisions,
methods, and practices in home education to be motivated by God's priorities
and controlled by His Holy power. In this booklet we challenge ourselves to
BELIEVE in what God says to allow His Word to have power in our home
II(D). Educating the Body
Establishing Spiritual Authority in the Community
Home School High School HELP Packet $1.50
The purpose of this packet is to provide information for Christian home
schooling families as they prepare for high school years (ages 13-19). It
includes specific resources we have found helpful as well as ideas for
approaching high school. Note that a companion document, Home School
College Help Packet exists with information regarding preparing for and
applying for college admission and scholarships. The information on
transcripts is in both documents.
Perfectly Pure Powerful Relationships $1.75
This booklet examines Biblical principles to apply to relationships between
unmarried brothers and sisters in Christ. We have attempted to step away
from lists of culturally based rules and search for Biblical wisdom. These
relationships can be a source of temptation, strife, and sin, or they can be
a source of vital Christian fellowship leading each one to sharpen one
another in the Lord while acting as part of a unified Body of Christ.
College HELP Packet $1.00
The purpose of this packet is to provide information for Christian home
schooling families who are considering college education. It contains a
discussion of why college, ideas to prepare for college in the years leading
up to college, information about applying for admission and scholarships,
and detailed suggestions for preparing a transcript. Also included is a
discussion of obtaining credit without spending money.
Educating the Community
Man, Myths, and the Master $2.50
Jesus taught in parables. We call much of Bible history, "Bible stores."
Allegories are used to communicate great themes. Novels are used in
education. Plays and movies are major parts of our culture. Are these
devices equal in God's sight? In this booklet, we examine God's standard for
truth and and apply that standard to a variety of forms of literature and
its play and movie varieties. Truly, we can learn what is myth, who is man
and who is the Master!
The Kingdom of Time - A Parable $1.00
The Kingdom of Time is a parable dedicated to the King of Time and Eternity.
The purpose of the parable is to help us keep our focus on the King and His
Kingdom rather than the traditions of men.
Prayer, Proclamation, and Protest $1.00
What is the Biblical response to a governor-appointed official who is
antagonistic towards Christian home educators? The Bible calls us to defend
the helpless. Yet, those who find the authorities are an enemy may first
have to adjust their attitudes and behavior to the teachings of Jesus.
III. Extended Study
Personality, Education, and the Bible $6.00
This book is a technical extension of the booklet "Diversity and Absolutes".
It contains a description of a model of personality called the Personality
Assessment System. We have found that this model is a closer approximation
to the intricacies of how God has made us than many popular methods of
describing personality. The model includes developmental paths. One aspect
we like is that the model is that it fits a Christian approach to
personality which is that there is not absolute good or bad about how God
has made us but that there is absolute good or bad about what WE do with
what God has given us.
Readers interested in the intricacies will find this introduction
interesting. The book provides references for further study.
In addition to the chapters on "Diversity and Absolutes" and the personality
system, the book contains chapters on general applications of personality
differences, educational applications (a major section of the book), family
applications, and career applications. The section on educational
applications is similar to what is in the booklet "Diversity and Absolutes"
except that the personality types are described in terms of the parameters
of the Personality Assessment System.