Dear Friends,
Thanks very much for the many delightful letters we have received since the last FHC letter!! We enjoy receiving letters sharing personal news and the testimonies and challenges of home education. These help guide our praise and prayers. The main article in this letter comes from Earl's seeking God over the years on what it means for men to lead their families. The challenge has been to separate God's expectations from cultural expectations. This material has been refined in discussions and seminars and we pray that readers find it helpful in their families and among families they serve.
Isaiah 46 :7 makes an interesting comment on idols:
Isaiah 46:7
8. "They lift it upon the shoulder and carry it; They set it in its place and it stands {there.} It does not move from its place. Though one may cry to it, it cannot answer ; It cannot deliver him from his distress.
What is described here is the simple fact that an idol does not answer, either in word or in deed. In communications technology, this is called "simplex" communications meaning that communications is only in one direction. Radio and Television are also simplex. A walkie-talkie is half duplex - communications goes both ways, but only one person can talk at a time. The telephone is full-duplex - both can talk at once (subject to good manners and our ability to listen and talk at the same time!) Entertainment is like the idol. Entertainment, whether CDs, TVs, or movies speak to us (or at us) in a simplex manner. Likewise, people speak or cry out to these idols yelling at them, lifting their hands in praise, or speaking to and about them like they were really in communication. This is simplex communication to an idol which does not answer. But like an idol, it cannot answer or deliver from distress.
Because home schoolers are generally becoming more politically aware and active, we believe that it is important to consider continually current events in the larger picture of God's work in history. Jesus taught us in the parable of the wheat and the tares that both good and evil would grow, "Allow both to grow together until the harvest; ..." (Matthew 13 :30).
There is much to be gloomy about in the moral decay of our day. However, let us consider significant differences between today and the 1950's, so often looked to as the last time when things were morally sound (and they weren't). While we could sight a number of differences of intensity of faith, one important one is the rise of home education. What is more important than the specifics of home schooling is the broader understanding of the significance of the family as the fundamental unit of the church and the nation.
When we consider the political and cultural scene, we see the culmination of many wicked forces, but we also see God's work on earth. Perhaps the greatest change in recent decades is the elimination of lukewarmness!
We are aware that normal tactics will not work in the political realm. We cannot win by out spending others. Our prayer is for God's hand to be extended in the political realm so that righteous men are elected and the political sages will have no explanation for how it happened. May God give success to His men by supernatural means and supernatural wisdom on how to campaign without our normal cycle of fund raising (bribery) and spending on impersonal, un-informative 30 second TV ads. Such a blessing awaits our praying in faith.
We are excited about all the Godly work which has been done and is being done in the development of materials to use in training ourselves and our children at home. However, we have a pet peeve in this area. It seems that every Christian group who discovers home schooling sets out to write a comprehensive curriculum ... for elementary ages. Yes, there is always a necessity to seek God for better ways to everything, but we would suggest 3 areas where effort is needed.
We are very concerned about continued development of curriculum for elementary ages because we see how Christian colleges continue to use traditional readings, textbooks, and curriculum guides. It is tragic to see so much gifted talent in the Body of Christ used to duplicate what has been done rather than tackle new areas. While the development of material for young children is surely motivated by the excitement of doing things well, it is also true that a) it is easier to make money in the primary market and b) it is much easier to generate materials for young ages. Of course, if a curriculum developer did the years of research necessary to validate and refine elementary materials, it would not be quite so easy.
We encourage readers to pray for God's work both in their lives and the lives of those they touch (including publishers) in the development of these materials.
This article examines a Biblical approach to the meaning of leadership in the family. It then discusses practical ways for home schooling fathers to follow the Biblical model and definition of leadership in their families.
Definition of Leadership
Much has been written about "leadership" in our day. Most of us are trained to think of leadership in terms of the charismatic sports coach, business manager, or organizational head (e.g. pastors). Applying this leadership picture to being the head of the home causes many men to fear that they cannot lead their own families because they are aware that they do not fit the picture. However, in the Bible, the primary method of leadership is leadership by example. All men can lead their families by example. Men who lead by example will indeed be good leaders in sports, business, and organizations, but many men live under a cloud of inferiority because they do not think they measure up to a worldly standard. God gives us a definition of leadership which every man can apply in his home and sphere of influence. We will begin our study in II Thessalonians,
II Thessalonians 3:7
8. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example because we did not act in an undisciplined manner among you,
9. nor did we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with labor and hardship we {kept} working night and day so that we might not be a burden to any of you;
10. not because we do not have the right {to this,} but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you, that you might follow our example
Here, Paul clearly tells the Thessolonians to learn from his example. He does not just tell them what to do, but tells them to do what they saw him doing. Paul was willing to work with his own hands to support his own ministry. he did not "take" support from those who were not financially able to support him.
Next, we will go to I Peter 5.
I Peter 5:1
2. Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as {your} fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed,
3. shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily , according to {the will of} God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness;
4. nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
Peter exhorts the elders to be examples to the flock. He furthermore exhorts them to exercise oversight (not authority) voluntarily. We think very much in terms of exercising authority . We never read of Jesus exercising authority. Rather we see that Jesus had authority . Jesus allowed the rich young ruler to walk away from him because Jesus never violates a person's free will with abuse of authority.
Mark 1:22
23. And they were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as {one} having authority, and not as the scribes.
Matthew 7:29
30. for He was teaching them as {one} having authority, and not as their scribes.
Jesus had authority because of His life and example. He did not have to tell anyone He had authority. His example showed that He had authority, casting out demons, healing the sick, and confounding the Pharisees.
In II Corinthians and Philippians, Paul again urges his readers to follow his example, saying,
II Corinthians 12:6
7. For if I do wish to boast I shall not be foolish, for I shall be speaking the truth; but I refrain {from this,} so that no one may credit me with more than he sees {in} me or hears from me.
Philippians 4:9
10. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.
Hebrews 13 :17 is sometimes quoted as an example of the authoritarian definition of leadership,
Hebrews 13:17
18. Obey your leaders, and submit {to them}; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.
However, let us look back earlier in the chapter to see what sort of leaders the writer is speaking of,
Hebrews 13:7
8. Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.
Hebrews is not talking about leaders who must enforce their authority. Instead, they are men whose conduct is such that we are urged to imitate their faith!
In I Timothy, Paul describes desirable traits for elders in the Body of Christ including,
I Timothy 3:4
5. {He must be} one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity
6. (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?);
Pauls description emphasizes leadership in the church by the example of men who manage their own households well. Notice that "keeping his children under control with all dignity " is made a crucial part of managing a household well.
Finally, we cannot neglect one other critical Biblical aspect of leadership. Listen carefully to Jesus' words:
Luke 22:26
27. "But not so with you, but let him who is the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as the servant.
This principle is easily applied to families where fathers and husbands can lead by becoming servants of all, whether teaching the difficult child, grocery shopping, or reading to children. The specific way in which a man leads by serving is not dictated by the Scriptures. The first change required is a change of attitude to accept what Jesus says about being greatest by becoming the servant of all. The Holy Spirit is more than willing to show each father how he can best serve his family.
Contemporary Problems
Contemporary American (or Western) life presents challenges to the Biblical definition of leadership for men. Some problems are:
1. American culture is full of romantic non-Biblical ideals for both men and women. For men, the romantic ideal is an emotionally insulated, athletic (preferably nearly professional caliber), money manager who can charm women into submission. The romantic ideal, unfortunately, seems to exclude how to deal with children except that some versions of the ideal show that a man must spend "quality" time with his children. Specific manifestations of the false romantic ideal include a misconception of fellowship and the feminization of homes.
Churches often define "men's fellowship" as eating or sports or both. These are poor substitutes for Biblical fellowship. Below we list activities in order of Biblical effectiveness. Those at the bottom of the list may be nearly worthless activities which do little except keep men from their families.
Because of a combination of the desertion of the home and family by men and the cultural "house perfect" expectations for women, most homes are feminized houses. This contrasts with God's desire that the husband and wife be partners in spiritual warfare acting as one flesh. Because of our "house perfect" cultural pressure, we think of the home in terms of feminine (meaning modern romantic feminine, not Biblical womanly) lace and colors for the house instead of a house as a base for spiritual warfare and service in the Kingdom of God. Lace and colors are not evil; however, we must break our cultural idols by first planning how our house is to be a base in God's Kingdom used for home education (with whatever specialization God gives your family), family prayer, group prayer and fellowship, caring for orphans or others in need etc.
2. Modern America is overrun with "authority without relationship". This begins with our political system which was originally built for a much smaller nation in which most citizens actually knew those they sent off to legislatures and other positions of governmental authority. Today, we are all accustomed to living under governmental authorities with whom we have no relationship. We then easily allow this error to creep into the church where there is talk about spiritual authority but where there is no relationship. This can then creep into the family where men listen to teaching and preaching saying they must be heads of their homes and then emulate what they see in the nation and church and declare themselves in authority without having any relationship with those they are supposed to lead (by example).
Remember the Biblical principle that the leader must be the servant of all. This is in stark contrast to the leader who demands the right to live a selfish life (sports, hobbies, big church buildings, places of power) while proclaiming his authority by decree.
3. Culturally, men are expected to be perfect and thus are taught by the culture to avoid disclosing weaknesses. In reality, men can lead their families by example when they openly reveal their weaknesses and demonstrate humility before God and men in revealing both the weaknesses and the way to work with them. For example, men who don't read well can learn phonics with their wives and/or children. While, our culture would try to teach men that such an approach is "sissy", the truth is that children would see their fathers as men who know how to reclaim what the devil has stolen from them earlier in life.
We can be trapped in romantic, cultural role expectations. See the March, 1994 FHC letter for more on this issue. Remember that in the Bible, not all men are alike and not all women are alike. Consider Mary and Martha and Deborah. Consider Elijah, Paul, and Amos. I Corinthians 12 :12-31 so clearly teaches us the importance of fulfilling our role in the Body of Christ, neither boasting that the others are not needed in the Kingdom of God nor feeling insecure because others are needed in the Kingdom of God.
Practical Aspects
In this section, we will attempt to apply the principles discussed above and suggest practical steps for men to become Biblical leaders of their families, leading by example. These practical steps are not checklist for successful fathering. We don't seek to condemn those who don't practice these ideas today; instead they are given as practical ideas for men to take and adapt to their lives.
Remember I Timothy which says,
I Timothy 3:4
5. {He must be} one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity
When children are not disciplined, the entire household is out of order. Many men are reluctant to discipline at all leaving this matter to mothers. However, it is men who are commanded by the Bible to lead. Discipline is not punishment, but a crucial training process. In the Proverbs, where we read,
Proverbs 6:20
21. My son, observe the commandment of your father, And do not forsake the teaching of your mother;
Proverbs 1:8
9. Hear, my son, your father's instruction , And do not forsake your mother's teaching;
the word for "instruction" or "commandment" is a strong word related to discipline and punishment. The word for "teaching" (for mothers) is softer, implying patient day by day teaching. We believe there are several reasons why men fail to discipline the children including:
What men need to do is to first make a decision that they will lead in discipline. Then they must learn the difference between simple punishment and true discipline which is a training process. We would recommend the FHC pamphlet "Dealing with Anger" which has a practical set of steps to lead a child and parent to repentance, forgiveness, and freedom. The process is time consuming and awkward, but so is a chaotic family.
One very practical step is for men to always do the disciplining when they are present, whether in their own home, a restaurant, church, or another family's home.
Decision making
by family involvement
The October, 1993 FHC letter discusses this as does our pamphlet "Temptations to Home Educating Families". In summary, we encourage men to lead their families by leading the whole family to prayer concerning decisions such as vacations, selection of curriculum, job changes, moves, etc. into family prayer projects. After praying together for God's wisdom, each family member can be encouraged to pray individually. Fathers can then ask each one if God has spoken. Fathers are not to ask children what they want , but to be prepared for God to speak to any one. Through this process, father can teach children (by example) how to seek the Lord in making decisions. The process also brings unity to the family when pressures arise (e.g. a vacation gone astray) because all can know that they are doing what God told the whole family to do and fight against the devil and not each other.
Taking one or more subjects
Home schooling fathers should take at least one subject for each child. This is the only way to understand how a child learns and how he reacts or rebels. Any subject can be used. Remember not to restrict the range of subjects to "school" subjects of math, English, history and so forth. Two criteria should be used for fathers to pick a subject (or subjects).
In our experience, if fathers do not take any subjects, they cannot understand either the way their children learn or the comments their wives make about the way the children learn and respond to instruction.
Entering Spiritual Warfare
Father's can lead their families by entering into spiritual warfare for their wives and children. This can take a number of forms depending upon the situation. For example:
Entering into spiritual warfare is more likely when fathers take at least one or more subjects or are otherwise closely involved in the day to day learning process because they will encounter the necessity to fight the spiritual battle, not just the natural one.
Always Learning
Fathers can lead their families by example by always learning. First and foremost, this means learning more of the things of God. Practical ways to keep learning are daily Bible reading, family discussions of Biblical principles and Christian life, and learning from others in the Body of Christ. In our culture, families and households are very isolated from each other, seldom having more than the most rudimentary understanding of how other families function. With the pressures of time on men, active initiative is required to learn from other men and families.
In our experience, most of us have vague misguided notions that all of our friends have daily home schooling lives which are models of peace, order, and contentment. The truth is that if we get closer to the daily challenges and joys of other families, we are in a better position to learn from them and to help them.
Men can encourage their wives to arrange to spend normal working days with other families from time to time in order to teach other mothers and to be taught. When men are with other home schooling fathers, they need be disciplined to talk about home schooling, character development, the spiritual life of their homes, and long term goals and plans. Men can be so trapped by the cultural norms of restricting conversation to sports, hobbies, work, or even politics, that we lose the blessing God has given us in the Body of Christ. Most men have a misguided notion that all other men are spiritual giants so far above them that they should not demonstrate their ignorance by entering into discussions about family and spiritual matters. This is obviously nonsense.
Long term Planning
Fathers can lead their families by considering long term planning. Long term planning means thinking about the direction of the family unit and each child in the next 5, 10, or 20 years. Fathers simply need to consider what steps today will be important for future years. This is a matter for serious prayer asking God for direction and plans.
Apprenticeship / Education
Fathers can lead their families by actively planning for apprenticeship and education for each child. When we don't think about apprenticeship or higher education until a child is 16 or 17, we suddenly have a difficult task ahead of us and little time to think about it. We can prepare better when we start thinking about long term apprenticeship or education goals when children are still young. This allows us to make many small decisions along the way which prepare the way. For example, if we believe that the direction a child will take is to start a business or work in a family business, we can start with small tasks or business ideas as they grow up so that by the time they are 16-18, they have experience and are ready to make clear and productive decisions about how to proceed.
Much of our cultural tradition prepares children to move far away from home, starting with going away to college and developing friendships and business contacts with people who live far away. We believe that we should try to part with this cultural separation of families. We must be prepared for God to instruct us or our children to go anywhere on earth in His service. We do want to avoid unnecessary separation of our families just because everyone else in our culture does so. When God initiates the separation, the whole family will be blessed.
Loving a wife as
Christ loved the church
Perhaps the most important way to lead a family by example and to instruct children by example is for a man to love his wife as Christ loved the Church, giving his life up for Her. Much has been written about this subject. Here we offer one simple way to think about it - men must give up their own desires and selfish wants. When we seek first the Kingdom of God, all these things are added to us.