Performance based:
vs. Carnegie vs Biblical Method
Problems: -gaining a feel objectives -Jos 1 :8 - God says just do what I say and I take care of results. "Seek ye first" -Performance based for specific things might be appropriate (e.g. change oil in x minutes) but still need methods!
Carnegie Unit Objective based Units Outcome Based (OBE) Seat Time Mastery Hours Skills Academic connotation Affective, character, skill connotation A Beka etc. do this
"Train up a child in the way HE should go" Jos 1 :8 method - just do it
Forgotton subjects: rhetoric government economics accounting tax/insurance leadership worship leading prayer leading
Perf. based in business used for large statistical things where NEED TO MEASURE. Note terror in business of designing Perf. objectives at lower levels which lead to correct What lower level measurements lead to higher grad rates???
Great leap from statistical perf. objectives for accountabilty (e.g. grad rates) to subject models and trying to apply perf. objectives to that.
Educating children is more complex and subtle than business objectives!! e.g. write a research paper has many explicit and implicit skills.
6) Questioning Computers July 25, p. 4D)
Samuel Sava, head of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, says, "If computers make a difference, it has yet to show up in achievement." In remarks prepared for an association conference of 250 elementary principals, Sava encourages schools to "resist the public enthusiasm for sexy hardware" and to direct
funds toward training teachers to use the equipment they have. Teachers need more than a user's manual to work with the systems -- "Computer manuals give new meaning to the phrase, 'English as a second language,'" Sava quips. U.S. Education Department head of technology Linda Roberts disagrees, stating, "As I look out across the country, there are elementary schools (working well with technology)."
Nancy Dye speech on virtual uni - ignores normal families/friend support structures in peoples lives. See folder 'future FHC'. See file \fhc\oberlin
Consulting industry has isolated high powered folks in one industry instead of spread around. But not for everyone.
# following fleshed out but not used
We have watched the attempted boycott of Disney by "Christians" with interest. As we see things, such a boycott should have no effect whatsoever because those living as Christians would not have doing much business with Disney prior to the boycott due to the heavy occult content and 100% lack of Christian content. We do well to encourage one another always to seek the best and not be content with the world's entertainment or education just because "there is nothing really bad in it." Can we instead search for what is GOOD! (Phil 4 :8). We challenge our friends to consider the absurdity of so-called "Christian movie critics" recommending a movie because while "there is some foul language", the story is very good. Why would we intentionally listen to foul language for "entertainment!" This is quite different from being with real people where we have the opportunity to speak the truth, pray, and influence.
We saw the following interesting item in USA Today , July 25, 1997. USA Today normally runs articles strongly favoring the positions of the NEA (teacher's union) for more funding, less Christian influence etc.
Samuel Sava, head of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, says, "If computers make a difference, it has yet to show up in achievement." In remarks prepared for an association conference of 250 elementary principals, Sava encourages schools to "resist the public enthusiasm for sexy hardware" and to direct funds toward training teachers to use the equipment they have. Teachers need more than a user's manual to work with the systems -- "Computer manuals give new meaning to the phrase, 'English as a second language,'" Sava quips. U.S. Education Department head of technology Linda Roberts disagrees, stating, "As I look out across the country, there are elementary schools (working well with technology)."
It is interesting to contemplate how a bureaucrat in Washington "looks out across the country".
Aside : While not widely publicized, we are all paying a new tax on our phone bills to provide Internet connections into schools. This tax was not proposed or passed by Congress, but was declared by the Executive branch (a clear violation of Article I, section 7 of the U.S. Constitution! The tax is not called a "tax" but a "Federal Universal Service Fee".