Abba Institute of Motivation
8/23/92; updated - 1/7/04; 2/4/05; 2/5/5; 2/25/05; 5/25/13 5/9/17 "I shall always be ready to remind you of these things...I consider it right as long as I am in this dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder" (2Pet 1:12-13).
This chart reads from the bottom to the top.
It briefly depicts the progressive life of being a Christian
taken from 2Peter 1:1-13

	    7. Love of God - Do not be overcome by evil,
Each step		     but overcome evil with good.
may get more		     Romans 12:21
difficult		     Matthew 5:44-48
as I climb
up the	    6. Brotherly -   Obey Jesus' command.
ladder.        Love	     John 13:34-35
			     Realize the severest test is betrayal.
			     Psalm 55:12-14; II Timothy 3:12
			     The born from above experience God's love.
			     I Peter 1:3-5.22-23; Romans 5:3-7:6 (new race)
			     Let Christ be released in and through me
Wait on
THE LORD    5. Godliness -   Carry the presence of God with me (ABIDE)
			     I Timothy 4:7-8; Ephesians 5:15-21
Each step requires	     Prayer, Scripture meditation/study (INTIMACY)
submission to the	     Worship, Resting(Soaking), Journaling, Fasting
  which is
    the     4. Perseverance  Cultivate patience/endurance.	The ladder
resistance		     Hebrews 6:11-15  James 1:2-4     may have to be
to UNBELIEF		     Hebrews 10:36		      climbed step by
doubt and fear						      step in various
(spirit of  3. Self-Control  Bring all captive		      relationships,
 harlotry)		     to the obedience of Christ;      circumstances,
			     Every thought, mood,	      organizations,
			     desire, conflict.		      good and bad
			     II Corinthians 10:5-6	      situations.
Diligence		     See myself being changed	      Transformation
is needed		     from glory to glory.	      occurs on each
for every		     II Corinthians 3:17-18	      step of the
step I will							  ladder.
take.	    2. Knowledge -   KNOW GOD: His Heart, His Word,
				       His Will, His Way.
			     I Corinthians 10:1-14

1. Excellence - Be faithful in the little. Luke 16:10; Rom 12:3 I am an adopted son of GOD by faith IN THE SON OF GOD - Hebrews 11:6; Gal 3:26 IN CHRIST, my only HOPE; CHRIST IN me, my HOPE of GLORY - Ephesians 1:1-2:22 See: DPMI, PO Box 19501, Charlotte, NC 28219-9501 (BE PERFECT B-4307, B-4308).

Copyright by Earl & Diane Rodd