Families Honoring Christ

Biblical Foundations and Biblical Methods of Education
for Christian Home Educating Families
not Evolutionary Education but Revolutionary Christian Education

See "Biblical Education - What is It?" for discussion of the above statement.

This site contains a variety of resources, many of which are (hopefully) timeless and relevant to Christian families across generations.

Click on the image to look inside the book!
119 page book. Training for Royalty provides fresh, lasting inspiration for experienced home educating parents, a firm foundation for beginners and a biblcal challenge for others. Rather than duplicating other excellent books on various aspects of home education, Training for Royalty is written to build confidence in parents regarding their scriptural call and ability to teach their children in the home.

See the Price List for an order form.

Note: Steep discounts are available for bulk purchase for support groups, extended family, to give away etc.

Read the Bible in a Year A computer balanced read the Bible in a year program. Reading the Bible is the basis for a sound Christian education.
Parables are a literary form used heavily in the New Testament. These are articles we have written using this literary form. "The Kingdom of Time" is a short story length item. The others are quite short.
FHC Booklets Many FHC booklets are available online. See the Catalog for a description of all booklets. If you see a booklet that is not online you would like to read online, please contact us. To order printed versions of booklets, see The Mail Order Price List .
Chart Showing the Biblical Method of Education Chart which accompanies the booklet, "The Biblical Method of Education", which applies the method of teaching reading.
Chart of the "Ladder of God" from II Peter. A chart of the steps of a "ladder" described in II Peter 1:1-13
Dramatic reading of the booklet: Sovereignty, Intercession, Unity Reading by Diane Rodd with original guitar music by Nathanael Rodd. Song "Sweet Harmony" by Joel Rodd used by permission.
Certificate Program The certificate program provides an organized way to study FHC resources. Also available is guided instruction which can lead to the granting of a certificate.
Past FHC Letters These newsletters were written in the 1980's and 1990's for support groups in Australia and the USA. Many of the articles later became chapters of Training for Royalty or FHC booklets.
warfare.htmlPaper on spiritual warfare
ladderofgod.htmlLadder of God - the ladder of perfection
Play script for the Book of RuthFull script for a play using only the words of the book of Ruth.
Audio IndexAudio recordings from home school conferences.
Typing and Phonics PracticeOnline typing practice program including phongrams and frequently used words.

Mail Order Price List (Current March, 2018) FHC Catalog (Current March, 2018)

All material on this site copyright by Earl & Diane Rodd

Contact: fhcinfo@fhc.rodd.us

for information on seminars and books and booklets.

FHC is an Ohio based ministry providing information, encouragement and fellowship to Christian parents who are training their children at home

This page placed here June, 2000. Last updated January 20, 2016 (extensive audio resources added)

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

"But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."